Results for 'Rama Chandran Madhu'

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  1.  40
    Excerpts from Antoniana Margarita.Gómez Pereira & Rama Chandran Madhu - 2012 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (2):283-318.
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    Plato’s Homer.R. Chandran Madhu - 1999 - Ancient Philosophy 19 (Special Issue):87-95.
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    Workplace Spirituality and Experienced Incivility at Work: Modeling Dark Triad as a Moderator.Madhu Lata & Richa Chaudhary - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (3):645-667.
    Management scholars view workplace spirituality as an effective means of improving employee well-being and organizational productivity. However, a spiritual work environment may also be beneficial for controlling employees’ experiences of uncivil behaviors in the workplace. Drawing on conservation of resources theory and cognitive appraisal theory, we proposed and explored the linkage between workplace spirituality and incivility experienced from supervisors and colleagues in the workspace. We also investigated the moderating effect of the dark triad on the relationship. The data collected from (...)
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  4. The Liberal Archipelago: A Theory of Diversity and Freedom.Chandran Kukathas - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    The author argues that the free society should not be seen as a hierarchy of superior and subordinate authorities but an archipelago of competing and overlapping jurisdictions. Kukathas has produced the book that no one with an interest in multiculturalism can afford to ignore.
  5. (1 other version)Are there any Cultural Rights?Chandran Kukathas - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (1):105-139.
    I shall advance the thesis that if there are any moral rights at all, it follows that there is at least one natural right, the equal right of all men to be free. H.L.A. Hart, “Are There Any Natural Rights?”.
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  6. The Case for Open Immigration.Chandran Kukathas - 2005 - In Andrew I. Cohen & Christopher Heath Wellman, Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 207-220.
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    STS Education and Its Three Step-Sisters.Madhu Suri Prakash & Leonard Joseph Waks - 1985 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 5 (2):105-116.
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  8. Rawls: ‘A Theory of Justice' and its Critics.Chandran Kukathas & Philip Pettit - 1990 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Philip Pettit.
    1 A New Departure 'No commanding work of political theory has appeared in the 20th century.' So said Isaiah Berlin, writing in 1962 . ...
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    Evading a Post-Truth World: Rorty’s Foundationless Philosophy for an Acculturating Education.Madhu Narayanan - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-17.
    A challenge for educators is how to teach in a “post-truth” world. Lies, fake news, and a gleeful disregard for facts – what I collectively term mis/information – all seem to undermine the very project of education. The pragmatism of Richard Rorty holds promise to address such issues. I first argue that Rorty’s philosophy of education is of limited use, whereas his broader thoughts on a philosophy without foundations are more relevant. I then suggest that a way forward is to (...)
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  10. Hayek and modern liberalism.Chandran Kukathas - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the history of modern liberal thought, the work of F.A. Hayek stands out as among the most significant contributions since that of J.S. Mill. In this book, Kukathas critically examines the nature and coherence of Hayek's defense of liberal principles, attempting both to identify its weaknesses and to show why it makes an important contribution to contemporary political theory. Kukathas argues that Hayek's defense of liberalism is unsuccessful because it rests on presuppositions which are philosophically incompatible. In his view, (...)
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  11. Are Refugees Special?Chandran Kukathas - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi, Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
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    A Bottom-Up Approach to Understanding Low-Income Patients: Implications for Health-Related Policy.Madhu Viswanathan, Ronald Duncan, Maria Grigortsuk & Arun Sreekumar - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):658-664.
    A bottom-up approach grounded in micro-level understanding of the thinking, feeling, behavioral, and social aspects of living with low income and associated low literacy can lead to greater understanding and improvement of interactions in the health arena. This paper draws on what we have learned about marketplace interactions in subsistence economies to inform innovations in medical education, design and delivery of healthcare for lowincome patients, outreach education, and future micro-level research at the human-healthcare interface.
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    Medical Gaze Sans Bioethics: Revisiting Enslaved Black Women’s Medical Bondage in Behind the Sheet.Sruthi Madhu & Soumya Jose - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-18.
    The birth of modern gynecology in the USA is preceded by experimental exploitations of Black women’s bodies in the mid-nineteenth century, entailing a long-drawn extraction of “reproductive knowledge” from enslaved patients. Charly Evon Simpson’s Behind the Sheet (2019) stages the history of medical bondage of Black enslaved women in antebellum South, reconstructing the events that led to the surgical innovation for vesico-vaginal fistula. Scrutinizing Simpson’s dramatization of the event, this paper prompts inquiries into the interplay of power and consent between (...)
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  14. Responsibility for past injustice: How to shift the burden.Chandran Kukathas - 2003 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2 (2):165-190.
    This article considers the question of the responsibility of present generations for injustices committed by previous ones. It asks whether the descendants of victims of past injustice have claims against the descendants of the perpetrators of injustice. Two modes of argument are examined: the individual responsibility approach, according to which descendants cannot have claims against other descendants, and the collective responsibility approach, according to which descendants do have strong claims. Both approaches are criticized, but for different failings. An alternative view, (...)
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  15. Cultural Rights Again.Chandran Kukathas - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (4):674-680.
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    Executive Authority to Reform Health: Options and Limitations.Madhu Chugh - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (s2):20-37.
    Presidential power has provoked increasingly vigorous debate since the turn of this century. In recent years, scholars and lawyers have been grappling with how Congress’s dictates may limit the president’s Commander-in-Chief power to detain enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, to fight wars abroad, and to conduct intelligence activities at home. But policymakers have not yet explored the many possibilities for invoking the president’s “Take Care” power to change health care policy.This article explores the scope and limits of President Barack Obama’s (...)
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    Emerging perspectives in philosophy: a critical reflection of thought.Madhu Kapoor, Kakali Ghoshal & Sushmita Bhowmik (eds.) - 2011 - Kolkata: Readers Service in association with Budge Budge College, Dept. of Philosophy.
    Contributed papers presented at a seminar organized by Department of Philosophy, Budge Budge College.
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    The horizon of existence: a flight of the Indian mind.Madhu Kapoor - 2011 - Kolkata: Readers Service.
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  19. Environment education through the English textbooks.Madhu Kewlani - 2008 - In Kuruvila Pandikattu, Dancing to Diversity: Science-Religion Dialogue in India. Serials Publications. pp. 217.
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    R̥ta, the cosmic order.Madhu Khanna (ed.) - 2004 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld in association with Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts.
    Contributed articles presented at a seminar.
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  21. Althusser's Conception of Ideology: A Critical Exposition.T. V. Madhu - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22 (4):339-352.
  22. Praxis vs Determinism in Marx-A Reconstruction.T. V. Madhu - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (3):337-358.
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  23. Self and Solitude: Some Reflections on Suresh Chandra's Reading of Wittgenstein.Tv Madhu - 2004 - In R. C. Pradhan, The Philosophy of Suresh Chandra. ICPR, New Delhi. pp. 196.
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    Exploring the boundaries of law, gender and social reform.Madhu Mehra - 1998 - Feminist Legal Studies 6 (1):59-83.
    Both dowry and domestic violence are manifestations of the socially subordinate position of women in India, in particular of women in relation to and within the institution of marriage. Studies reveal how the socio economic changes ushered in by modernisation have interacted with traditional norms to sustain these practices and through them, the subordination of women. The women’s movement began addressing these social problems through law, and has through the years continued to critique the law for its failure to deliver. (...)
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    From Fear to Hope: Reclaiming the Art of Learning 1.Madhu Suri Prakash - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (1):85-90.
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    McEducation marginalized: Multiverse of learning-living in grassroots commons.Madhu Suri Prakash & Dana Stuchul - 2004 - Educational Studies 36 (1).
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    Whose ecological perspective? Bringing ecology down to earth.Madhu Suri Prakash & W. Kohli - 1995 - In Wendy Kohli, Critical conversations in philosophy of education. New York: Routledge.
  28. A cultural study of the Niśītha cūrṇi.Madhu Sen - 1975 - Varanasi: available at P.V. Research Institute.
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  29. Beware! House hold laundry agents can be environment pollutants too!Madhu Sharon - 2008 - In Kuruvila Pandikattu, Dancing to Diversity: Science-Religion Dialogue in India. Serials Publications. pp. 1.
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  30. Who? Whom? Reparations and the problem of agency.Chandran Kukathas - 2006 - Journal of Social Philosophy 37 (3):330–341.
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    Studies in Vedānta: essays in honour of Professor S.S. Rama Rao Pappu.Rama Rao Pappu, S. S., P. George Victor & V. V. S. Saibaba (eds.) - 2006 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Containing Both Intellectually Stimulating And Academically Entertaining Essays And Papers Presented At The Fifteenth International Congress Of Vedanta In The United States, This Book Honours The Congress Founder, Professor Rama Rao Pappu. This Volume Analytically Discusses The Ideologies Of Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva, Vallabha, Tyagaraja And Satya Sai Baba.
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    On David Miller on immigration control.Chandran Kukathas - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (6):712-718.
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    (1 other version)25 Liberalism and Multiculturalism.Chandran Kukathas - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory: A Reader.
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  34. The mirage of global justice.Chandran Kukathas - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):1-28.
    The political pursuit of global justice is not a worthy goal, and our aims in establishing international legal and political institutions should be more modest. The pursuit of justice in the international order is dangerous to the extent that it requires the establishment of powerful supranational agencies, or legitimizes greater and more frequent exercise of political, economic, and military power by strong states or coalitions. The primary concern in the establishment and design of all legal and political institutions should be (...)
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  35. The Rights of Minority Cultures.Chandran Kukathas - 1992 - Political Theory 20:140-147.
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    Exit, Freedom and Gender.Chandran Kukathas - 2012 - In Annamari Vitikainen & Dagmar Borchers, On Exit: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the right of exit in liberal multicultural societies. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 34-56.
  37. Liberalism, Communitarianism, and Political Community.Chandran Kukathas - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1):80.
    The primary concern of this essay is with the question “What is a political community?” This question is important in its own right. Arguably, the main purpose of political philosophy is to provide an account of the nature of political association and, in so doing, to describe the relations that hold between the individual and the state. The question is also important, however, because of its centrality in contemporary debate about liberalism and community.
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    Expatriatism: The Theory and Practice of Open Borders.Chandran Kukathas - 2011 - In Rogers Smith, Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs. Pennsylvania University Press. pp. 324-342.
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    Transubstantiation, Absurdity, and the Religious Imagination: Hobbes and Rational Christianity.Amy Chandran - 2024 - Hobbes Studies:1-31.
    This article evaluates the political implications of Thomas Hobbes’s extensive treatment of religion by taking up the motif of the Eucharist (and accompanying doctrine of transubstantiation) in Leviathan. Hobbes holds out transubstantiation as an exemplar of absurdity and an historical outgrowth of Christianity’s inauspicious meeting with pagan practices. At the same time, Leviathan contains allusions to eucharistic imagery in its narration of the generation of the “Mortal God,” the commonwealth, as the incorporation of a civil body. These conflicting sentiments are (...)
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    Two Constructions of Libertarianism.Chandran Kukathas - 2009 - Libertarian Papers 1:11.
    The libertarian first principle—a belief in individual freedom—can lead to two different and not necessarily acceptable societies from the standpoint of liberty. One is the “Union of Liberty,” in which communities, associations, and intermediate bodies are held to rigorous standards of voluntariness . In the other, the “Federation of Liberty,” they are not .While in any free society individuals may voluntarily join together and waive some of their rights , hard questions arise when nonconsenting children are born into restrictive environments (...)
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    On Sen on comparative justice.Chandran Kukathas - 2013 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (2):196-204.
    Against scepticism from thinkers including John Rawls and Thomas Nagel about the appropriateness of justice as the concept through which global ethical concerns should be approached, Amartya Sen argues that the problem lies not with the idea of justice, but with a particular approach to thinking of justice, namely a transcendental approach. In its stead Sen is determined to offer an alternative systematic theory of justice, namely a comparative approach, as a more promising foundation for a theory of ?global justice.? (...)
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  42. Is a Cognitive Revolution in Theoretical Biology Underway?Tiago Rama - 2024 - Foundations of Science 1:1-22.
    The foundations of biology have been a topic of debate for the past few decades. The traditional perspective of the Modern Synthesis, which portrays organisms as passive entities with limited role in evolutionary theory, is giving way to a new paradigm where organisms are recognized as active agents, actively shaping their own phenotypic traits for adaptive purposes. Within this context, this article raises the question of whether contemporary biological theory is undergoing a cognitive revolution. This inquiry can be approached in (...)
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    A ‘divine lawgiver’ for the leviathan? The commonwealth by institution and the case of the prudent prophet.Amy Chandran - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1343-1362.
    Recent scholarship has cast welcome light on the political relevance of Hobbes’s extensive treatment of theology and sacred history. Building on extant contributions, this article argues that God’s historical founding of a Kingdom lends insights into well-known difficulties attaching to Hobbes’s exposition of the Commonwealth by Institution. Although there are evident discrepancies between sacred history and man's natural estate, Abraham and Moses each faced political challenges that persist into the present. Acting as God’s authorized representatives not only allowed them to (...)
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  44. The Explanatory Role of Umwelt in Evolutionary Theory: Introducing von Baer's Reflections on Teleological Development.Tiago Rama - 2024 - Biosemiotics 1:1-26.
    Abstract: This paper argues that a central explanatory role for the concept of Umwelt in theoretical biology is to be found in developmental biology, in particular in the effort to understand development as a goal-directed and adaptive process that is controlled by the organism itself. I will reach this conclusion in two (interrelated) ways. The first is purely theoretical and relates to the current scenario in the philosophy of biology. Challenging neo-Darwinism requires a new understanding of the various components involved (...)
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    Ethical Pluralism from a Classical Liberal Perspective.Chandran Kukathas - 2009 - In Richard Madsen & Tracy B. Strong, The Many and the One: Religious and Secular Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World. Princeton University Press. pp. 55-77.
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  46. Evolutionary Causation and Teleosemantics.Tiago Rama - 2023 - In José Manuel Viejo & Mariano Sanjuán, Life and Mind - New Directions in the Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences. Springer.
    Disputes about the causal structure of natural selection have implications for teleosemantics. Etiological, mainstream teleosemantics is based on a causalist view of natural selection. The core of its solution to Brentano’s Problem lies in the solution to Kant’s Puzzle provided by the Modern Synthesis concerning populational causation. In this paper, I suggest that if we adopt an alternative, statisticalist view on natural selection, the door is open for two reflections. First, it allows for setting different challenges to etiological teleosemantics that (...)
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  47. Survey Article: Multiculturalism as Fairness: Will Kymlicka's Multicultural Citizenship.Chandran Kukathas - 1997 - Journal of Political Philosophy 5 (4):406-427.
  48. Agential Teleosemantics.Tiago Rama - 2022 - Dissertation, Autonomous University of Barcelona
    The field of the philosophy of biology is flourishing in its aim to evaluate and rethink the view inherited from the previous century ---the Modern Synthesis. Different research areas and theories have come to the fore in the last decades in order to account for different biological phenomena that, in the first instance, fall beyond the explanatory scope of the Modern Synthesis. This thesis is anchored and motivated by this revolt in the philosophy of biology. -/- The central target in (...)
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  49. Immigration.Chandran Kukathas - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette, The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    John Rawls: critical assessments of leading political philosophers.Chandran Kukathas (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection brings together the most important published papers on Rawls' work. In addition to a general introduction, the set includes introductions to each volume which help guide the reader through the material. The thematically organized volumes include: * Vol. 1: Foundations and Method * Vols. 2-3: Principles of Justice I and II * Vol. 4: Political Liberalism and the Law of Peoples.
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